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Hope in Action: Uniting Against Cancer on World Cancer Day 2024

by | Feb 4, 2024 | Cancer, Community

On this year’s World Cancer Day 2024, we see the unification of organisations and people all across the world. The primary goal is to enhance awareness and understanding of cancer risks while encouraging actions to improve prevention, detection, and treatment. Renowned as one of the most widely celebrated health awareness days globally, World Cancer Day has emerged as a beacon of collective effort against this pervasive disease.

This year marks the culmination of the ‘Close the care gap’ campaign, which has focused on the critical issue of equity in healthcare for the past three years. The campaign actively involves individuals, organizations, and governments in a shared mission to mitigate the numerous disparities existing in health services. It addresses the barriers that hinder many from accessing essential cancer services, even when available, and receiving the necessary care.

In 2024, the spotlight is on engaging world leaders, urging them to prioritize cancer on their agendas. The emphasis is on adopting strategies that specifically target and address inequities in cancer care. The call extends to investing resources strategically to ensure that no one succumbs to a preventable or treatable cancer due to barriers in accessing timely and essential care. World Cancer Day 2024 becomes a crucial platform for advocating change and uniting efforts worldwide against the challenges that persist in the fight against cancer.


What can we see on World Cancer Day 2024?

A global call to action directed at health ministers, drawing attention to specific actions they can take to reduce barriers to care common to many countries. A  World Cancer Day Equity Report will be released, detailing these recommended actions and providing local perspectives and experiences from past and present UICC Board Members on inequities in cancer care in their regions (Europe, Southeast Asia, Western Pacific, Eastern Mediterranean, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East). Hundreds of activities will be taking place globally to raise awareness and generate support for better and more equitable cancer care. All across the world, global landmarks will be illuminated with World Cancer Day colours, orange and blue.

Singapore’s Cancer Society aims to be the leading charity in the fight for a cancer free society. Certain cancers are preventable and many cancers are treatable and curable, especially with effective treatment in the early stages. Screening helps to detect early signs of cancer or precancerous conditions before any symptoms appear. By the time symptoms appear, the disease is often at an advanced stage. However, in Singapore, some people don’t or are unable to go for cancer screening. Some cancer patients don’t even have access to the necessary medical care and services, while others may face challenges in finding or sustaining re-employment due to various issues. 

In the last year of #CloseTheCareGap, join us in creating awareness and pledge your support to close the gaps in cancer care! Take a pledge this World Cancer Day! I Will Focus On My Health.  I Will Support Someone With Cancer, I Will Get Screened. Together, we can #CloseTheCareGap.

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